Ready to fracture the shale.
Seminars/Webinars/Landowner Groups
Is there a specific royalty management topic you and your neighbors would like to learn more about?
Is there a potential gas or oil royalty offer you need business advice on?
Do you need an update on what is happening with leasing or gas production in your area?
Check out our webinar page. We will be offering a range of scheduled webinars that cover various topics. Webinars can be scheduled on an individual groups time, upon request.
Gas flare at night.
Mineral Management
Are you recieving royalties from a producing gas well?
Do you know if you are being paid correctly?
Do you know what all the deductions on your check are for and that they are legitimate under the terms of your lease?
Managing your mineral interests can be very confusing and time consuming. Royalty statements are sometimes difficult to read and understand. It is important to manage your statements monthly and verify reported amounts and prices to ensure you are being paid properly.
Hydraulic fracturing operation.
Division Order/ decimal Interest CONFIRMATION
Have you received a "Division Order", but are unsure about what it is for?
Your decimal interest is the number your royalties will be based on, so it is important to make sure it is correct! We have the resources and expertise to track down the details you need to know to be sure your decimal interest is correct.